Emmanuel Christian Academy will be closed Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd, due to severe weather conditions as the National Weather Service forecasted. All athletic events will be canceled as well.

GAR Foundation & Summer Enrichment S.T.E.A.M. Academy

This summer GAR Foundation awarded  Emmanuel Christian Academy "Summer Enrichment S.T.E.A.M. Academy a grant to help local school age students make academic gains for the following school year. The school-age academic gains are based on the S.T.E.A.M. philosophy which is Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Agriculture and Math. During the 7 week program each week is based of these themes to give school agers a well rounded experience in critical thinking, problem solving and real world application. The day begins with reading and math with a KWL format followed by a posed question to build,discover and reflect on their full day of activities.