Emmanuel Christian Academy will be closed Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd, due to severe weather conditions as the National Weather Service forecasted. All athletic events will be canceled as well.
Emmanuel Christian Academy
Student Dress Code Policy
Dress Code –Students
Emmanuel Christian Academy students have a uniform dress policy as designed in the Parent-Student
Handbook. PLEASE NOTE: Kids Closet has been designated as our exclusive uniform store. Students
are to be in full uniform each day, unless otherwise by school administration. Any form of dress or
grooming that attracts undue attention or disrupts the educational process is unacceptable.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Uniform:
PreSchool/Elementary Boys (PK3-3rd)
● Grey uniform pants w/ belt (no jeans)
● Grey uniform shorts w/belt (only during August/September and May/June)
● Monogrammed white, grey, maroon, & pink polo shirts or white only oxford shirts with
● Solid Black leather shoes, (no sneakers, Sperry that are not solid black or patent leather, tennis
shoes, sandals, work boot, snow boots, Timberland boots, Nike, or Airwalk suede street shoes)
● Solid Black or white socks
● Solid Black Belt
● Monogrammed maroon or Grey uniform pullover, sweater, vest, or cardigan
● Uniform Plaid Tie/Bowtie (K-8 th grade only)
No coats, jackets or hoodies worn in the classroom
Middle School Boys (4th-8th)
● Grey or black uniform pants w/ belt (no jeans)
● Grey or black uniform shorts w/belt (only during August/September and May/June)
● Monogrammed white, Grey, Maroon, pink or black polo shirts or white only oxford shirts with
● Solid Black leather shoes, (no sneakers, Sperry, tennis shoes, sandals, work boot, snow boots,
Timberland boots, Nike, or Airwalk suede street shoes)
● Solid Black or white socks
● Solid Black Belt
● Monogrammed maroon or Grey uniform pullover, sweater, vest, or cardigan
● Black or grey uniforms pants w/belt
● Uniform Plaid Tie/Bowtie
No coats, jackets or hoodies worn in the classroom
Male students attending the Academy are not allowed to droop (wear pants below waist), wear earrings,
rings, bracelets, or necklaces. Additionally, male students are not allowed to wear designs cut in their
hair, braids, twisties, dreads, mohawks or ponytails. Hair is to be natural color (no dyes). However, afros
will be permitted if kept cut neatly and combed. Afros are not to exceed 1 ½ inch. If an Afro is not neat
and combed, a uniform notice will be sent home and student will be required to cut hair.
Pre-School/Elementary Girls (PK3 – 3rd)
● White and pink blouses with peter pan collars.
● Monogrammed white, grey, maroon, or pink polo shirts or white oxford shirts with monogram
● Maroon/grey plaid jumpers or dress with monograms
● Grey uniform pants w/ black belt
● Grey uniform shorts w/ black belt and skorts (only during August/September and May/June)
● Black leather shoes (no patent leather, no athletic looking shoes, snow boots, work boots,
Timberland boots, knee high boots or sandals.) Must be flats, closed heel and toe.
● Solid Black Belt
● Uniform Knee highs or anklets socks (solid colored maroon, white )
● Hose/Tights (solid colored Maroon, white)
● Uniform Plaid Tie/Necktab
● Monogrammed maroon or Grey uniform pullover, sweater, vest, or cardigan
Middle School Girls (4th-8th)
● White, Grey, Maroon, & pink polo’s or white or pink oxford shirts with monogram
● Maroon /grey plaid jumpers or dress with monograms (prek-3 rd )
● Maroon/grey plaid skirts/skorts
● Grey or black uniform pants w/ belt
● Grey or black uniform shorts w/belt and skorts (only during August/September and May/June)
● Black leather shoes (no patent leather, no athletic looking shoes, snow boots, work boots,
Timberland boots, knee high boots or sandals.) Must be flats, closed heel and toe.
● Solid Black Belt
● Uniform Knee highs or anklets socks (solid colored maroon, white )
● Hose/Tights (solid colored Maroon, white)
● Maroon/grey plaid skirts, black or plaid kilts; black or grey pants
● Uniform Plaid Necktab/tie
● Monogrammed maroon or Grey uniform pullover, sweater, vest, or cardigan
Female students are allowed one ring on ring finger only and small earrings (no larger than a quarter).
Only clear nail polish may be worn on fingernails. Female students’ hair must be combed and styled
neatly. No extreme up-dos, weaves, wigs, unnatural hair color, unnatural length braided
extensions/crochet braids or other styles past the student’s shoulder blades. If styled past shoulder blades, hair must put up in a bun while at school. Streaks or highlights are not permitted. All hair ornaments are limited to the school colors (maroon, grey, white, pink) and may not be excessive. (Principal’s discretion)
Friday Uniform: Plain blue denim pants or shorts (SOLID BLUE ONLY, no rips, tears, distressed,
acid/stone washed or frayed denim). Emmanuel grey T-shirts, hoodies or sweatshirt and gym shoes. The Friday uniforms are also required for field trips unless notified otherwise.
Chapel/Wednesday and Special events Uniform : ( K-8th ): Elementary and Middle School boys will
wear white long sleeve (short sleeves in May/June and August/September) oxford (button down, collared dress shirt), Emmanuel uniform plaid tie/bowtie, and uniform vest. Boys will wear uniform pants.
Elementary school (K-3 rd ) girls will wear uniform jumpers with white peter pan collards and Emmanuel plaid necktab or tie. 4 th – 8 th grade girls will wear Emmanuel plaid skirts with white long sleeve (short sleeves in May/June and August/September) oxford (button down, collared dress shirt), Emmanuel uniform plaid necktab/tie, and uniform vest.
Shorts are not permitted on Wednesdays.
Uniform dress (hair) code will be strictly observed. Students who violate the dress code will receive a
suspension for the following day.
If the student continues to arrive to school out of uniform, the student will be sent home for the rest of theday for each infraction until he/she can adhere to the uniform policy. Students are not permitted to makeup any work missed due to suspension. Violation of gym uniform will be reflected in student’s grade.
Early Education Center (Preschool )
Grey uniform pants w/ belt (no jeans)
Grey uniform shorts w/belt (only during August/September and May/June)
White, Grey, Maroon, & pink polo’s or white oxford shirts with monogram.
Solid Black leather shoes, (no sneakers, Sperry, tennis shoes, sandals, work boot, snow boots, Nike, or
Air walk suede street shoes)
Solid Black or white socks
Solid Black Belt
Maroon or Grey pull over uniform sweaters, vest, or cardigan monogram
● White and Pink blouses with peter pan collars.
● White, Grey, Maroon, & pink polo’s or white or pink oxford shirts with monogram
● Maroon /grey plaid jumpers or dress with monograms (prek-3 rd )
Grey uniform pants w/ belt
Grey uniform shorts w/belt (only during August/September and May/June)
Black leather shoes (no patent leather, no athletic looking shoes, snow boots, work boots, knee high boots or sandals.) Must be flats, closed heel and toe
Solid Black Belt
Uniform Knee highs or anklets socks (solid colored maroon, white )
Hose/Tights (solid colored Maroon, white) Maroon or Grey pull over uniform sweaters, vest, or cardigan with monogram
Female students’ hair must be combed and styled neatly. No extreme up-dos, weaves, wigs, unnatural hair color, unnatural length braided extensions/crochet braids or other styles past the student’s shoulder blades. If styled past shoulder blades, hair must put up in a bun while at school. Streaks or highlights are not permitted. All hair ornaments are limited to the school colors (maroon, grey, white, pink) and may not be excessive. (Principal’s discretion). 0-24 months infants are not permitted to wear hair beads or jewelry, for safety and health reasons.
Infants/Toddlers (6 weeks-36 months): Uniforms are optional (See KidsKloset Uniform Store)