Emmanuel Christian Academy will be closed Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd, due to severe weather conditions as the National Weather Service forecasted. All athletic events will be canceled as well.

BDMF Grant

The trustees of The Burton D. Morgan Foundation awarded Emmanuel Christian Academy (ECA) a $30,690 grant for its 2015 Entrepreneurship Camp (E-Camp). ECA holds two entrepreneurship camps for four weeks each summer, one for students in fourth through seventh grade and one for early high school students in eighth through tenth grade. The grant allows youth to participate in the E-Camp tuition-free.

The Burton D. Morgan Foundation’s mission is “to champion an entrepreneurial spirit.” As such, grants from the Foundation are to be made to institutions concentrating on entrepreneurial studies and to efforts supporting entrepreneurs.

Emmanuel’s E-Camp promotes entrepreneurial education and exposure to the concepts of financial literacy. E-Camp helps students develop relationships and provides mentoring opportunities with individuals and organizations throughout Greater Akron. Participants acquire finance, marketing and accounting skills, along with an entrepreneurial mindset. Each week, participants are presented with high-quality instruction through experiential in-class assignments, guest speakers and field trips.

“The Burton D. Morgan Foundation grant is an integral part of our school’s mission to provide first-class education to youth from underserved communities,” stated Emmanuel’s Principal and Chief School Administrator, V. Rena Suber. “The grant helps give youth opportunities for education beyond the classroom, while developing business etiquette and the necessary skills for entrepreneurship.”

For more information on The Burton D. Morgan Foundation visit www.bdmorganfdn.org.