Dr. Martin Luther King Day Event

mlk   For the fourth consecutive year, Western Reserve Hospital will welcome students from Emmanuel Christian Academy to celebrate the legacy and namesake holiday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by reciting speeches and performing songs at a free luncheon, held at noon on Monday, Jan. 16, at the Cuyahoga Falls Natatorium. Western Reserve Hospital hosts Emmanuel students each Martin Luther King Jr. Day to celebrate the legacy of the civil rights movement and the accomplishments of its leaders with songs, dances, skits and speech recitations. “We look forward to displaying our students’ diverse talents on Martin Luther King Jr. Day each year, and Western Reserve Hospital continues to be a valuable partner in helping us reach the community with this event,” said V. Rena Suber, principal of Emmanuel. “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and so many other leaders who stood for equality throughout American history, have left a legacy that deserves to be celebrated, honored and remembered often.”

Doors will open at 11:30 a.m., and a free lunch will be provided. An RSVP is required. To RSVP, contact Kathy Romito, community outreach manager, at (330) 971-7408 or kromito@westernreservehospital.org.