Admission Guidlines


Emmanuel currently has one class per grade in our school age program, serving students from Kindergarten – 8th. We enroll for each grade until its reached capacity.

Your enrollment is complete upon Emmanuel’s acceptance of:

  • Completed enrollment packet (with required documents and supplemental forms)
  • Registration fee (due at the time your application is submitted)


Emmanuel currently has one class per grade in our school age program, serving students from Kindergarten – 8th. We enroll for each grade until its reached capacity.

Your enrollment is complete upon Emmanuel’s acceptance of:

  • Completed enrollment packet (with required documents and supplemental forms)
  • Registration fee (due at the time your application is submitted)

Only incoming Kindergarten learners are required to complete an assessment prior to final acceptance. Upon application submission, all Kindergarten students are accepted pending the results of our Kindergarten Screening. Kindergarten screening is scheduled for early May each year. You will be notified of your child’s appointed screening time.

Admission Calendar

Early Education Center accepts enrollment year round, as class size allows.


Re-Enrollment for current Emmanuel students begins annually in February.

  • Annual enrollment is required for all students.

Open Enrollment begins annually in mid February.

Tuition and Fees
$6165.00 for Kindergarten – 8th Grade

  • Returning student enrollment will continue to be accepted
  • New student admission and enrollment applications will be accepted and processed

We will enroll each class until it has reached capacity

Required Documents and Supplemental Forms

Enrollment Contact Info

Emmanuel Christian Academy Admissions

350 S Portage Path
Akron, OH 44320

Office Phone: (330) 836-7182

Monday – Friday 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.