Emmanuel Christian Academy’s Board of Trustees consists of 11 dedicated group of men and women who direct and support the vision and the ministry of our school with their time, talents and resources. According to our financial records from the three preceding years one hundred percent of our board members have made financial contribution to support the mission and vision of Emmanuel.
Donald A. Lichi PhD (Vice Chair)
Attorney and Partner; Hollister, Leiby, Hanna and Rasnick Law Firm
Atty. John F. Rasnick (Chair)
Psychologist, Emerge Ministries Akron, Ohio
Dana LaGarde (Secretary)
Miller Transfer Company, American Institute Certified Public Accountant
Kenneth Rusinoff (Treasurer)
Lead Product Marketing Manager AT&T
J. Dru Joyce
Director of NE Ohio Basketball Association, Director of Lebron James Kings Academy Youth Basketball Camp
Jacqueline Thomason Esq.
Former Legal Counsel, Summit County Department Job and Family Service
John Sloan
Former CEO/Owner of Sloan Advertising Inc.
Judge Randolph Baxter
Retired Federal Bankruptcy Court Judge, Cleveland, Ohio
Arlin T. Smith
Sara Brown