Emmanuel Christian Academy will be closed Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd, due to severe weather conditions as the National Weather Service forecasted. All athletic events will be canceled as well.

2024 S.T.E.A.M Registration

Emmanuel is currently enrolling for its 2024 Summer Enrichment STEAM Academy.

Emmanuel’s Summer Enrichment STEAM Academy is a day camp that offers Kindergarten – 8th Grade children seven weeks of academic programming designed to reinforce Math and Reading concepts, minimizing the summer slide.

The Academy, beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 and ending on July 19, 2024, will operate five days a week, offering a full day of academic and enrichment activities.

With funding from various sources, including the Summit County Department of Job and Family Services, participants may attend camp for only a $75 registration fee.

The camp is open to both current Emmanuel students and the community at large. We are only able to take 120 students. Enroll now to secure your spot!

Our STEAM Academy is an academic camp, attendance is an integral part of its success, for camp participation. No participant is able to miss more than 5 days of camp.

Camper's Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please enter a number from 4 to 16.
Campers T-Shirt Size
Is your child currently authorized for Title XX?
Will your child be authorized by June 3,2024
Financial Assistance may be available to aid families without Title XX. Awards will be contingent on enrollment and monies available. To request Financial Assistance click here. Only one Financial Assistance application should be completed for each household.
Parent or Guardian's Name(Required)
2nd Parent or Guardian Name

Field Trip Permission and Release


I give permission for my child (named above) to attend Emmanuel Christian Academy’s Summer Enrichment STEAM Academy (Emmanuel). I understand the nature of the field trips and activities planned and assent to the procedures and policies governing such. I further understand that Emmanuel contracts with independent providers and organizations to provide services for the camp and extend this agreement to all activities supervised by Emmanuel during this period.

Activity Release

I at this moment grant permission for my child to participate in all supervised activities except as noted.

Photo Release

I recognize that Emmanuel Christian Academy uses photographs and video images of events and activities in publications, including websites, newsletters, and other printed and electronic mediums. I at this moment, grant permission for photo/video images of my child to be taken and used for such purposes.

Responsibility Statement

If my child must return to Emmanuel independently for health, accident, failure to conform to the rules established by the teacher in charge, etc. I agree to accept full responsibility for and pay for medical care, transportation, and other incidental expenses.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Registration Checklist and Enrollment Agreement

I understand though I am submitting this preliminary application, my Camper's registration is not complete until all of the following have been received:

All forms are available in the Main Office (may be sent electronically at the parent’s request) and must be received by Emmanuel no later than Friday, May 24, 2024. Failure to provide these forms may result in my child being unenrolled from Emmanuel's Summer Enrichment STEAM Academy until all forms are received, subject to space availability at the time of receipt.

The Emmanuel Christian Academy, a private educational institution, recruits and admits students of any race, color, ethnic origin, religion (creed), lifestyle, or disability to its programs and activities. In addition, the Academy will not discriminate based on race, color, ethnic origin, religion (creed), lifestyle, or disability in the administration of its educational policies, scholarships, loans, fee waivers, educational programs, athletics, and extracurricular activities. In addition, the Academy is not intended to be an alternative to court or administrative agency-ordered or public school district-initiated desegregation. The Emmanuel Christian Academy will not discriminate based on race, color, sex, or ethnic origin in hiring its certified or non-certified personnel.

Our STEAM roster for 2024 is now at capacity. Confirmation emails as well as waitlist emails will be sent out soon.